Monday, January 28, 2013

This Week and Next

Tue: Finish reading Fluorescence and come to class prepared to share your responses to some of the poems. Also, you should write your blog response on the book for Tue.

Thur: No class work on your poems for next week

Blog Response for Tue: Because there is no reading assignment for Tue (see syllabus; bring 2 copies of 2 poems) post a poem or two on your blog instead. 

Also: the Poetry Portfolio and last week's poetry writing assignment are posted on myemich.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

For this Week

Follow the syllabus for the assignments this week.

We will being with Goldberg et. al. (myemich) essays
and continue with the Poetry Packet (come prepared to share your thoughts on a poem)

Remember to post a blog response to the poetry packet (a few poems specifically or in general using examples from the poems)


There seems to be some problem with getting the book, Fluorescence. I am trying to get the story from the bookstore, but in the meantime, I will post a pdf of selections from the book, so that if you don't get a copy this week the reading assignments will be available via emich. You will be responsible to print, read, and bring the pdf to class for the discussion of the book.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

poetry discussion jan 15

Mysterious; no specific particular meaning or thoughts/feelings but more open to reader interpretation; multiple possible ways of reading; layers of meaning
(literal and metaphorical)
No set style
Metaphor (lots!)
Imagery!!! Other senses used a lot too… sensory description/evoke senses
Not in traditional stanzas; paragraphs/prose/long lines; line breaks; visual use
of page space
Reader interpretation/understanding is (more) open
Emotion: word choice (onomonopia; sound words; personification,
Concrete(see, touch, smell; descriptive etc) vs abstract(not material; freedom,
peace, love, etc…)
made up words; invention
rhythm; sound; words; alliteration; patterns; repetition
rhyme or no rhyme (often there’s not)

Couplet (final 2 lines “in conclusion” or turn around, etc)
Structure: rhyme scheme (Shakespeare); long lines; sound structure (iambic pentameter—syllables and stress on particular syllables); 14 lines long
No structure/other structure: more spacing of words/lines; Mullen: doesn’t finish sentences, runs on from one line to the next, no punctuation
Play with/change idea of sonnet form; modernize sonnet

“About”: love, different ways of love, modern interpret of Shakespeare love,
physical beauty, hardship/challenges, sex, teen pregnancy
-references to other poets/poems/traditions

Welcome to CRTW Winter 13

Check this blog for announcements, additional details on assignments and other things. Also, please find the list of class members' blogs on the menu to the right.